
Additional services in location


Please check the Athlete Guide for your event to confirm the availability of these services.


- PARKING: there are free parking areas around the event. But we highly recommend to coordinate yourself with friends for carpooling. Find all the information on the Athlete Guide, available a few weeks before the event.

- BAG CHECK: You could drop your stuff to our attempts to the Bag Check and recover after the race. This service is included in the registration price.

- COLD WASH: after the race you will have access to a water system area in order to remove dirt, mud and blood of your body. Before and after the race a space to change clothes will be provided by the organization.

- RELIEF AND SUPPLY: A first-aid post will be placed at the end of the race with water, bandages and a loan ambulance service to respond quickly to any part of the course. In the case of an accident, there are race officials posted at every obstacle who can use the emergency radio to summon help immediately. You are allowed to take with your supply of water and food if you estimate you need it. The organization will set up supplies of water on the course but you should not rely only on it to hydrate you. Don’t hesitate to take water, gels, and bars with you AND keep all rubbish with you! Especially for the Super-Beast-Ultra races we highly recommend to carry a camelback.

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